Saturday, July 3, 2021

Chagrin Valley Haul

 I'm so excited for this next week. I'm off until Friday. Yay for the long weekend, I deserve it. I'm running low on shampoo so I figured it was time to place an order. It was between more Chagrin Valley or Anita Grant. I think Anita Grant was out of stock when I was shopping so I went with Chagrin. It's much more affordable and the ingredients/service/quality is excellent. I want to try all their shampoo bars. For now I'm just ordering three at a time. 

They last forever too. My last haul was in January of 2019 and I JUST ran out of the three bars a few months ago.

So here's what I got.

1. Cafe Moreno Shampoo Bar for enhancing brown hues- Moisturizes and Softens. 

I'm just excited that it has coffee in it. And it smells like clove. I'm going to use this one first. 

2. Chamomile and Citrus Shampoo Bar for Oily Hair

I definitely don't have oily skin but I want to try it for when I use a hot oil treatment in my hair. It might be really good for washing the oils out. It has a nice citrus-y smell.

3. Carrot Milk and Honey Shampoo Bar 

Carrot Essential oil is one of the most moisturizing oils I've ever experienced. It has a very earthy, herbal smell that takes some getting used to. I can definitely smell it in this. I have a feeling I am going to love this one! 

4. Grapeseed Tomato Complexion Soap 

They have some really unique bars when it comes to skincare. I try to order one whenever I can since it's fun to try something new. I've heard tomato is great for the skin so we will see how this one works for me. It smells familiar. I think I like the scent but I can't place it. The red color is fun!

And that's all! 

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