Monday, July 5, 2021

Buttermilk Banana Bread and Cherry and Golden Raisin Bread

 Quick post today...just sharing a few of the things I baked in the last two weeks. Neither of them were recipes I would save to make again but figured I would share anyway. 

First recipe was banana bread. I love banana bread. You probably won't find a truly awful banana bread recipe. This one certainly wasn't. But it's also not my favorite either. Buttermilk really doesn't add anything special to it. I liked the pecans but it called for way to little and I added extra and still wanted more. I also reduced the sugar to 1 1/2 cups instead of 2 as that sounded like too much with the addition of the sweet bananas. And it was still quite sweet. Also with the extra banana it called for the texture was a little different, not bad just not my preference.

Also add more bake wasn't done after an hour baking. I don't think I like making quick breads at a super low temp.

Overall, it was OK. I'm not pinning it. But if you wanna take a look click here.

I made a loaf and six muffins but I was too lazy to take a picture after baking so I just have the picture of the one muffin. 

The next recipe was a Vitamix one. I didn't even bother making it in the Vitamix. It does a lot of things well but mixing up baked goods/batter is not one of them. 

This recipe was just alright. But it might have been my fault. There were no dried cherries in my local store so I decided to try the ones in the jar. They don't really have that much flavor and didn't seem to add anything to the bread. I always see them in the German stores and wonder what they are used for?

I also discovered that while I love raisins in oatmeal raisin cookies, I don't like it in quick breads. 

I skipped the lemon glaze. But that may have elevated the bread just a little bit. I know the fresh lemon zest in the batter sure did. I baked it after a lonnnng work day and couldn't be bothered making the additional glaze.

You can find the recipe here. But I don't highly recommend it. 

And that's all for now! 

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