Sunday, August 8, 2021

How I Store My Make-Up

 I did a post like this a few years ago and figured since the storage has changed I would update it.

It used to be I wanted a room full of makeup. Just drawers and drawers of it, but I've outgrown that. I only have one face and I don't need a graveyard of stuff I don't use. Although..I do have a weakness for eyeshadows and always want to buy more, but I think I've got it mostly under control.

So here's the storage. I painted my vanity last year...and it looks much better in person. I probably should repaint it because I didn't have a good quality protectant and it's a bit scratched and has a few oil spots. But that's a project for another day. It's orange, but a nice shade of orange that photographs kinda ugly. It's like that sometimes.

It used to be for some odd and strange reason I can't explain, I had everything sitting on top of the vanity. And the drawers were empty and I kept wondering what I should fill them with. Until I realized (duh!) put the make-up inside the drawers. I was trippin'. 

I do keep a few things on top. My better brushes. And my lipsticks. All in the little makeup case. I'm trying not to buy more than what fits in that little case.  I'm doing a pretty good job too.  I should probably find a way to make it look better though... it looks a little junky in the picture. 

Then I keep my cheaper brushes in the bathroom cabinet and a few other everyday things in the bathroom as well. That way I don't have to do too much walking back and forth.

And that's all! Well there is one more drawer but I forgot to take a picture but now I'm too lazy to get back up. It just has my Vice Palettes and the Electric Palette in it though. So just two drawers dedicated to make up. 

Not bad.

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