Monday, August 16, 2021

The Manhattans

Quick music post today. Or at least I think it will be quick. Never can tell! Today's group is The Manhattans. I'm not sure where I heard the Manhattans first. I think maybe my Dad had some oldies mix CD's and that's how? But I'm not sure. I know I only knew one of their songs and it wasn't until later that I really listened to them that I realized I was missing out. They have quite a few really great  songs.

Kiss and Say Goodbye is without a doubt my favorite. The lyrics...sometimes lyrics in the old songs will get you.They were savage back then...and sang all that while sounded smooth and like they weren't doing dirt at all! It is a little trife though since I think they were both in a relationship but still....and we won't talk about those powder blue jumpsuits. I hope those never make a comeback.

Those dance moves take me out too 😂

Shining Star is another favorite! Every time I listen to it, it get's stuck in my head for days after. Such sweet lyrics.

I live for this type of sound. I love, love, love, love this song. It's We Never Danced to a Love Song. I wish there was a live version.

And this one is Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye. Goodbye is really a theme in their music. I don't know why this one is not more popular. It sounds kinda like another song that I can't really put my finger on.

I Love There's No Me Without You. From the views on the song I can tell I'm not the only one. More Quintessential Manhattan music. Lyrics, harmonies, instruments...everything on point.

One of my favorite groups for sure and definitely worth checking out if you've never heard their music! They definitely have more great songs but these are just my favorites.

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