Wednesday, September 15, 2021



Growing up I had two favorites, Mario and B2K. By far, Mario was my favorite by far. I'm pretty sure I still have my posters from Word Up Magazine of him. And the poster that came in his first album. I thought he was so cute and he could actually sing! And he grew up to be finnnnne. I remember around 10th grade they had a contest and the winner would get to take him to their prom. Unfortunately I couldn't enter because you had to be in the 11th or 12th grade to go at my school...but I definitely had a lot of dreams of how it would go if I did win. 

Anyway, I wore that first album out. I'm pretty sure I know all the words to both his first and second album. I think by his third album I was done buying albums.

These are my faves, although his music is pretty good across the board and I don't feel like you can go wrong with any of his songs.One of my crushes from school actually kinda looked like him a little bit back then now that I think about it. 

First fave, Just A Friend My little 7th/8th grade self was in love 😁

Then he cut his braids off and it was Mario on another level .  I love this song, they wore it out on the radio in that time, it was played just about every other song. I'm glad it has a ton of views now. 

Crying Out For Me is my cute 😍 I like the lyrics too...

I didn't know How Do I Breathe had such high views...I thought the other song would have more views. I watched a live performance of this one and he can definitely sing live as well. 

After the Go! album I feel like I didn't really hear anything about him...but I listened to his last few albums and he's still making great music.  His falsetto is beautiful. 

Other Mario songs on the playlist:
What Your Name Is 
Like Me Real Hard
Music For Love 

I think he's released some music since the last time I checked him out, I need to go have a listen....(actually I just listened to one and I'm not really into it. Idk who that Mario is, I want the old one back 😭 Maybe Mars is kinda nice...)

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