Thursday, September 16, 2021

Vitamix Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Scones +Afghan Kulfi

 I'm going to be up for awhile, I made the mistake of taking a nap which is never a good idea because it means I won't be able to sleep now. So...figured I would get a post out of the way. I definitely feel like I'm in a cooking slump. I haven't really felt much like cooking. I did manage to make scones and an Afghan ice cream recipe in the past couple of weeks though. 

The first recipe was for scones. I feel like I haven't made in scones in forever. Years. To be honest they aren't really my favorite. They are OK. These weren't bad...and I definitely love peanut butter and chocolate chips but not in these. They were OK. IDK, I'm just not into scones and these didn't change my mind. 

You can find the recipe here if you are so inclined. They definitely looked amazing! Forgot I added some Reese's peanut butter chips to them. 

Then I made Afghan Kulfi. I really can't speak too much on what's going on in Afghanistan, I just know there are people in some heartbreaking situations. You can click this link for more information on how you can help, if you would like. I know local to me they were taking donations for all sorts of clothing, food, towels, blankets etc. I have been cooking things from an Afghan cooking site for years. Likely I won't be able to travel there but I do like to experience the food, it's kinda of like a no travel, travel experience. One of my favorite recipes is definitely the Kulfi. I wasn't sure about it initially because sometimes the recipes don't translate over well. I love how easy it was, I love the flavoring- Cardamom, Saffron ( I can never taste it), and the Rosewater. I did use whole pistachios...which took it over the top. Almost like a Cardamom pistachio ice cream with a lot of chunky nuts. Loved it! Definitely would make it again. I put mine in re-useable push pops. 

Click here for the recipe.

And that's all...


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