Monday, September 13, 2021

The Ordinary 100% Organic Cold Pressed Moroccan Argan Oil Review

 My last oil from The Ordinary. I was saving this one for last since it's the only oil of the bunch I had already used in a few other brands, including one that my parents bought years ago when they visited Morocco. 

The Ordinary claims:

This formulation uses 100% pure Moroccan Argan Seed Oil extracted through a cold pressing that preserves the integrity of the oil's fatty acids, vitamins, phenols (including caffeic acid) and carotenes. Argan oil's main fatty acid content is made up of oleic acid and linoleic acid. The oil supports healthy skin and reduces the appearance of flaking due to dryness. It also adds soft sheen and strength to hair. 

Notes: Supplied in UV-protective packaging. 

Our Moroccan Argan Oil is completely unrefined and imparts a natural scent.This scent is not an indication of rancidity. Argan Oil that does not have a scent is refined and offers reduced benefits. 

As of May 1, 2017, this product may contain sources from Argan nuts and seeds. The specifications of the oil remain virtually identical. However, if you have a nut allergy, please note that this product may contain traces of nuts.

I've tried a few brands of Argan oil, some cheapies from a discount store and a nice one from Tisserrand. I never wrote a review but I think that one comes into 2nd to the one that came from Morrocco.

I bought this mainly to use on my face. I usually rotate between Shea Butter and whatever oil I have open at the time. The first thing I noticed about this was the scent. None of the Argan Oils I have used so far had any scent. I like that it has a scent because I tend to think the oil was processed less. Some oils in the their natural state can smell horrible, luckily this isn't one of them. I like the scent, it doesn't linger long though.

It's also a slightly thicker oil than some of the other ones I have tried and very hydrating while not being very heavy even on my combination/oily skin. I feel like it made my skin look glowy and healthy. 

The problem was that this broke me out. And I discontinued use and gave it a few days/weeks in between trying it out and each time a new breakout happened. I didn't experience any breakouts with any of the other Argan Oils I've used so it just seems to be this one. 

Since it doesn't work on my face, I'm using it up in my Shea Butter mixes and as a body oil. It works fantastically for that, the moisture really seems to last. It also sinks in pretty easily and really seems to make my skin look nice. 

I haven't tried it on my hair...although I probably should have. I will probably pick up another bottle and use it exclusively on my hair the next time I place an order from the Ordinary.

As for price, it's probably the best priced Argan oil at $6.80 an ounce. Not bad at all!  There's not much info about it other than that it's cold-pressed. Is it Fair Trade? I don't know. I do prefer to purchase fair trade oils when possible but the Ordinary doesn't provide any of that information on their site.

As a skincare oil it didn't work for me but I'm glad I gave it a try.

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