Thursday, November 4, 2021

Fudge Brownies and Old-Fashioned Chocolate Buttermilk Sheet Cake

 It's been a chocolate-y adventure for me the past couple of weeks. Or maybe slightly chocolate-y since I only successfully made two things. 

I failed completely at my first batch of brownies. It was the recipe. Not my skill. I was trying to make a copy cat recipe from a brownie bakery in New York and it was cakey, never cooked through, and had way too much butter. I was mad I wasted my ingredients. Guess one day I need to take a trip to New York. 

Anyway...I wasn't going to try again. And then I figured..why not? I've made blondies from scratch or something like it, and a batch of brownies made with almond flour (they were bomb). But never regular old brownies. 

I'm very particular with my brownies, I don't like cakey brownies. I like fudgey, super chocolate-y, chewy brownies. And...these are that. Complete with the brownie looking cracked top. Perfect recipe. Would make again and if you want to make brownies too. I would recommend it. 

You can find the recipe

Next, I made some chocolate cake. I think this is the first chocolate cake recipe I've made...and it's not the ultimate. Probably wouldn't recommend it. 

I like super chocolate, chocolate cake. It has to taste like chocolate and not sugar. Basically Devil's Food Cake is my kind of chocolate cake. This looked really chocolate-y but just didn't quite get there. Also...the order of the ingredients as it relates to cake was a little weird to me. It's good. But not great and not one I would make again. stuck to the pan which I should have expected since it's originally a sheet cake. I halved the recipe...which wasn't easy because it's in cups and nothing halves perfectly. I'm starting to prefer recipes that are in grams. So much easier to work with and get right everything single time. 

So the brownies were a hit but the chocolate cake was not.

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