Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Lush Rose Jam Shower Gel Review

 It's that time again. Time to get back into blogging. I had a nice vacation and a much needed break from everything. I went to Texas and watched my friend get married, it was a beautiful wedding, the location, everything was perfect and I'm so glad I was able to go! Also, she looked absolutely beautiful and it was so nice to see two people in love, vow to spend the rest of the lives together. I love weddings now! Afterwards I went to Virginia to visit my baby sister, I hadn't seen her in about two years so it was so nice to see her big head smart self 😁. Hopefully I can see her again much sooner than two years. i also got to see my old roomate from school which was a blast.   Then we headed to North Carolina (ROAD TRIP)  to spend Thanksgiving with my family since my parents are also in the states. I always like to claim I'm the best cook in my family..but my Dad still beats me, he made just about everything for Thanksgiving...except I made the cranberry sauce. And I did spike it with Grand Mariner..which is amazing and you should do it if you make cranberry sauce. But my Dad smoked a turkey (I think it's the best Turkey I've had so far and smoked a roast). If only I could have taken more leftovers 🤤. So all in all...I had mostly an excellent time except for really missing my Grandpa....I can't think of the state of North Caroline without thinking about him and I really missed him, especially while being there. He's always been there before and it was hard at time to really process that he is gone now. But let me stop rambling before I start feeling sad and start this review.

Lush claims:

Turkish rose absolute and skin-nurturing argan oil dance over your skin and leave a beguiling, gentle floral scent.

The flowers from which the finest rose oil and rose absolute are made are picked by hand in Senir (Turkey), at dawn when their aroma is strongest.
A sweet vanilla bean infusion, combined with cleansing Sicilian lemon oil and fresh goji berry juice, add a hint of angular refreshment that makes the Turkish honey-inspired shower gel even more irresistible.
So: foam yourself up and smell of roses!

Ahh Rose Jam. One of the best scents Lush makes. And also one that used to be a Christmas exclusive. Now you can get it year round. I've had one other thing in the Rose Jam scent- Pearl Massage Bar- while that smelled amazing it had a few issues. I really like the shower gel and prefer it much more.

It's a thick red, shower gel with not too much colouring  that smells like Rose Jam heaven. Really...probably one of the best Rose scents I've ever smelled. Must be the Turkish Roses. It's more a sweet rose scent, kind of exactly what you would think a super sweet rose jam/jelly would smell.  It's nice and strong too but I don't notice it lingering on my skin much. It does kind of linger in the bathroom a little though.

I don't find it to be drying. And the lather is really nice. 

The ingredients are...OK. It does have SLS and a few other (not many) meh ingredients but it does also have great ones. The rose absolute, vanilla pod infusion, and rose oil cancel out the meh ingredients. Where else can you find shower gel with such great absolutes/scent ingredients? No where.


Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Glycerin, Water and Vanilla Plant Extract, Water and Cypress Infusion, Lauryl Betaine, Perfume, Gojiberry Juice, Lactic Acid, Argan Oil, Rose Absolute, Rose Oil, Geranium Oil, Lemon Oil, Citric Acid, Citronellol, Coumarin, Geraniol, Limonene, 

Overall, this would be in my top favorites from Lush and Rose isn't even my Jam. But this is a good one and one that is worth the money in my opinion. 

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