Thursday, December 30, 2021

Beauty Companies With In House Recycling

 This post is going to be short. Mostly because there aren't a lot of companies with an in house recycling program that offers perks for recycling. I know of three. That's it. 

Two of them I actively purchase from. I purchase from Lush excessively..and MAC occasionally now. 

Lush offers a free mask if you bring back 5 empty pots. I love buying from Lush. They are passionate about a variety of causes that benefit the earth/human rights etc, they support fair trade, they really explore ways to use less packaging, use recycled packaging, etc. That's why I keep on purchasing from them and likely always will. I just got my holiday sale order in and can't wait for it to come! 

I have five empty pots waiting to go back to Lush now- might try to make to make it down there next week to get my my next mask. 

Next up...MAC. I'm not as heavy into MAC as I used to be. Not since they switched to synthetic brushes....but I still like to buy every now and then. They still have their VIVA Glam lipsticks where the funds go to supporting a healthy future for many and equal rights. I also love their recycling programs. You can Back to MAC six empty containers and receive a free lipstick! If the counter isn't close to you, you can even mail your packaging in. I'm short by two things now.. Unfortunately I had forgotten about the program and thrown some of my stuff into the recycle bin. Whoops! 

Kiehl's has an in house recycling program but I don't buy Kiehl's...not really. I think you only get a sample or trial sized product but at least it's something. 

I've never seen an Origin's store but they take all your beauty products and will get them recycled. Makes me want to buy more Origins. Unfortunately I don't think there are any stores close to me...

Garnier has the Terra Cycle program, I read about it and did tuck a few things away to send back but I need to check their website again. I know you can get points but not sure what you can do with them....might be worth reading about though.

Overall, I wish more companies did this or offered perks as great as MAC and Lush....

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