Thursday, December 16, 2021

Last Week of Marley Spoon Plus Homemade Vanilla Ice cream

 This is probably going to the be the last Marley Spoon post for me....this one was an accidental box because I kept forgetting to go in and push out delivery.

But basically I just went and cancelled because the chicken has not been so fresh- for the price I expect the freshest of chicken. It just smelled like it was about to expire the next day.

So that's it for me and Marley.

Also...since they are accident boxes I didn't get to pick my meals and really I only liked 2 out of the 3.

Here's what I got...

Shawarma Chicken on Bulgur

This one was a spiced chicken on bulgur dish. I really like Bulgur and want to cook with it a lot more. It was one of those really fresh dishes with mint, tomato, cucumbers, olives, and yoghurt dressing. I really liked this one and it would be relatively easy to recreate. Excuse my lack of plating skill...

Chicken Spaghetti with Oregano

This didn't have much oregano flavor even with the fresh oregano. But it was good. Creamy pasta dishes usually are! Would make this again on my own...maybe with fresh pasta 

Indonesian Vermicelli Chicken Salad

This dish was just nasty...the flavors were off. Well..what flavors it did have. I don't have much else to say about it. I do want to try actual Indonesian food as I'm sure this is just a poor representation. 

And...last but not least, ICE CREAM! I've been meaning to make more ice cream since I made the chocolate custard ice cream. I decided to start with the basic vanilla recipe from the ice cream booklet that came with the machine. This tastes just like Haagen Daz, possible better. The only thing was it was maybe a tad too sweet. I might try to cut back on the sugar when I make it again but I'm a little scared too since sugar helps the texture (cuts back on ice crystals I think!). This one was mega eggs or cooking and came out really good without the extra work. 

When I was in the states I bought a bunch of different Vanilla Extracts to take back with me ...this time I used Tahitian Vanilla. I have a Mexican Vanilla extract and just regular Madagascar Bourbon I plan on try out next time. Recipe booklet here.

And...that's all! 

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