Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Shrimp and Ginger Potstickers and Nutty Fruit Cake (Harry Potter Recipe)

 When I got back from my vacation all I wanted to do was cook. I froze the ice cream maker bowl because I was going to make ice cream- I didn't, I made a few other basic things but these were the new things I tried.

First up Shrimp Potstickers. Originally it was supposed to be Pork and Ginger but I don't really eat pork like that. And I had shrimp in the freezer so shrimp it was! I've never made Pot Stickers but I have had homemade ones, I think my sister made some a few years ago. I like them, but not necessarily enough to make them again. But I have another half package of the wrappers in the freezer so I guess I have to. Maybe chicken next time though. I changed a few other things, I used Napa Cabbage and just eyeballed ingredients instead of measuring. I might have overdone the ginger slightly. Overall, they are just a lot of work....gotta roll them up. The first two were fun, then I was over it. Then you gotta boil them....and a lot of mine broke open, not in the water but when the were cooling off, they stuck to each other. Water logged Potstickers aren't the best. But frying them helps! Mine came out super crispy. They were good. Excuse how my plate looks. I wanted to make broccoli but I was tired. I made some the next day and had it with the rice and broccoli then but never took a pic. You can find the recipe here.

Next up, I made Nutty Fruitcake...without nuts. But I guess the Almond Flour makes it nutty. It came from my Harry Potter book, which I'm really enjoying. I'm watching the movies again now 😁 I just love how you get an excerpt and explanation from the book. I actually did a lot of Fruit Cake research myself. Did you know it has been the wedding cake for many Royals, including Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth and Victoria, and Duchess Kate? I was surprised to learn that. It used to be a very popular cake until it became the brunt of all jokes. My Dad told me my grandma used to make one, and I know my grandpa did as well. I know he put Black Walnuts in it so it had a unique taste. I'm not really a fan of fruitcake though. But...I still wanted to give this one a try. I plan to age it a year and douse it in rum every month. The recipe says brandy but I'm gonna do rum cause that's what we have. Next year I am going to top it in Marzipan and serve it for Christmas. I can't wait to try it, so far it smells really great! 

And that's all...until next time! 

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