Monday, January 3, 2022

Afghan Mantu, Porridge Sandwich Bread and More Vanilla Ice cream!

 I've been cooking up a storm lately. I tend to cook more than I actually post, it's just I tend to post the new to me recipes that are in the random rotation I like to stick to. 

I still had dumpling wrappers so this recipe popped up just in time, I don't like keeping things in the freezer forever. The last time I made dumplings I had a hard time wrapping them up, this time it went much better. Also...I learned some things from this recipe that made the process more fun. Boiling the dumpling I made last time had a few bust open on me and caused them to get get water logged, the solution is to steam them. This dish easier than I thought. The yoghurt sauce was good, and as always I really loved the lentils. It came together nicely. If I was making a spread of Afghan food. This recipe would make the cut.

You can find it here.

Next up, I made Porridge Sandwich bread. It has leftover oatmeal in it, yoghurt, eggs, honey, all the goodies. A very enriched loaf bread. The texture was perfect, it was soft, not dry, and last quite awhile. Especially good for being a wheat loaf of bread. But it's not THE LOAF bread recipe for me, so I wouldn't make it again but you can find the recipe here.

And lastly I made ice cream to keep testing out the different Vanilla Extracts I bought. This time Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla paste. I loved that you could see the flecks of vanilla in it. This one tasted better than that last iteration I made with the Tahitian extract. It was a cleaner vanilla extract. Next up I am going to try Mexican Vanilla extract. 

And that's it! 

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