Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Stuffed Poblano Peppers and Chocolate Ice Cream

 These aren't really stuffed peppers. I deconstructed it because I don't like the texture of stuffed peppers. Or the pepper part I mean. But I was going to stuff them anyway because my sister wanted it like that. 

Once I broiled the peppers and tried it...they were kinda nasty so I just chopped them up and threw them in the rice dish. They were much better like that. This almost makes a version of Spanish Rice. Kinda. And I like the idea but would execute it differently if I make something similar to this again. I think it needed more salsa. And more spice in general. I would probably cook the rice altogether with the beens and and salsa, add more garlic, spice etc. It's a good base recipe that gives me some idea but didn't work for me as written. It could be a nice vegetarian dish if you swap the chicken stock for veggie. I added cheese and sour cream to mine. It wasn't bad though.

You can find the recipe here.

And then I made more chocolate ice cream. I think I've changed my mind about chocolate ice cream. It's not bad. Especially this one. The first ice cream I made was a chocolate ice cream over the summer and that one was much more complicated and a little different. It had eggs and cocoa powder PLUS melted chocolate. It was good. But..I think I like this one better. It was simpler, no eggs, no cooking just blending the ingredients. Easy peasy. I like that this one had brown sugar too. The ice cream itself was super chocolate-y. Almost fudge brownie like, no brownie pieces needed. And it wasn't too sweet. You can find the recipe here.

Next up I'm gonna try to make some Butter Pecan Ice cream. My fave- other than strawberry! 

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