Thursday, February 17, 2022

Lavand-E-Murgh (Chicken in Yoghurt) and Hearth Bagels.

 I feel like I've been cooking everything and nothing at the same time. It's probably because I've been doing a little more baking and made another batch of chocolate ice cream.

Anyway, I'm still cooking through the Afghan Recipes on the site I've been pulling recipes from. It's been fun trying new things and broadening my taste buds. This one was more along the lines of something I've made before. Putting chicken in yoghurt really tenderizes. I can't remember what I did it for before- Chicken Tikka...Butter Chicken or something else. This was kinda similar. I did learn that you can very easily make a marinade in the blender. I hate chopping up garlic and ginger for marinades. This recipes you just blend and throw the chicken in. Good to know and will probably do it for future recipes. 

Anywho, this was very good. But I don't think I would follow this recipe again because I tend to love just throwing things together for these types of chicken recipes. You can find the recipe here though.

Then I made bagels.They didn't have a true bagel flavor because I couldn't find Barley Malt Syrup and didn't want to order it and not use it since I don't plan on making a ton more bagels. These were OK, they are kinda like the plain bagels you get in the frozen section..but fresher! This was my first time making bagels and they weren't bad. Some were kinda ugly. I'm sure next time I made them they will come out even better. But I would try another recipe.

I made half plain and half with Everything Bagel seasoning. 

I need to go pick up some smoked salmon so I can do them up with cream cheese and the works...

Recipe is here.

And that's cooking adventures from this past week.

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