Thursday, February 17, 2022

Nicole By OPI Challenge Red-y

The Nicole by OPI line is long discontinued. Which kinda sucks for me because their polishes were great, at least this one I have.It's better than the regular OPI line. 

I got this free, I just had to send in coupon or codes from the Kellogg's Special K cereal boxes. I used to be a little obsessed with Special K. Started in middle school. Continued to college..and a few years after that, then I just quit it cold turkey. Probably the price. And they do have quite a bit of sugar in them. Also it's not filling whatsoever. I could eat half the box in one sitting.

 But this polish reminds me of a time when I used to eat more cereal and read the back of the cereal box over and over when I had nothing else to look during breakfast. Good Times.

I actually remember sending in enough codes or whatever to get both the blue and white polishes but they never arrived to me for whatever reason. 

I only ended up getting the red. Red is not my favorite nail polish color. I see it on others and think it looks great but on myself..I really have to be in the mood for it. This red, I don't mind. But I still need to be in a red mood. It's a true red, but a bit darker. The polish itself is opaque in one later, smooth, easy to use, and lasts very well. Especially with a decent top coat. Makes an OK pedi color too. Also it lasts forever. I've had it years and years and the bottle is still half full. 

The only thing I don't like is the awkward bottle shape. Wish OPI would bring this line back though...I would definitely pick up more!

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