Saturday, February 19, 2022


There are some artists today (well one) that really seemed to take some inspiration from Maxwell. One of my favorite artists of the 90's. And underrated! I'm waiting for them to give him a Verzuz. Is that how you spell it? Why is it spelled like that? 

He truly has mastered timeless music. All his music sounds modern and fresh and like it could have been produced yesterday. 

Anyway...I must have been in the 4th grade when I fell in love Fortunate. We took many road trips visiting family. My favorite part was listening to the radio. It was this song and the Bills Bills Bills song that were the two I waited on. That opening note. Nobody can hit that opening note like Maxwell. It's still one of my favorite songs ever.  Sounds exactly like the record live...


Also gotta have Sumthin Sumthin in the playlist. That falsetto is just beautiful. 

Ascension (Don't Ever Wonder) has the same vibe as the last song. You can tell they are from the same album. I love that he sounds so good live, I need to get myself to his concert one day. The music, the vocals, lyrics, everything on point.

Til The Cops Come Knocking is my JAM. 

Get To Know Ya took a minute to grow on me...but once it did... I was blasting this one in the car the other day.

Lifetime is a beautiful song. I love how he puts his soul into his singing. Not many artists seem to be able to do that these days and it's something I really miss.

I love This Woman's Work but I'm not gonna lie. I've always been confused on the meaning. I still am. But I still love the song. The live performance blew me away.

Then it seemed like Maxwell took the longest break ever. But it was worth the wait. I wish he dropped albums more often. Anywho Fistful of Tears is my jam. I kinda really miss his afro. He definitely had a beautiful afro back in the day.

Lake By The Ocean doesn't have the views it deserves. Love this song too! 

Pretty Wings was definitely the hit of that album. He has always been a talented writer and I think this song really showcases it. Do some of his mannerism remind y'all of Ray Charles too? Hmmm.

1990x sounds amazing. Must have in my Maxwell playlist. More of that falsetto. I love how this song switches it up and you don't really know where it's going but it does it very well. 

That's all I've got. This post actually ended up a lot longer than I was planning because I had to post the live versions too. One of my favorite artist though, a true vocalists, writer, musician. Just amazing all around. 

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