Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Project Pan #22

 This is kind of a project pan..but not really. I don't really feel like keeping it up with monthly updates like I did before although it was very fun watching my products get used up...especially eyeshadow/blush/etc. Stuff that doesn't usually get used up as quickly as other stuff.

Anyway, to justify bringing more into my collection...which still seems to be growing I kinda keep track. I used up two eyeshadows and then buy 24 more so it's not a perfect system. I'm working on it though. I have a new way of looking at some shadows for the most part. There are some colors that never work for me (bone, white, light beige colors, and before I would force myself to use them even though I hated it, now if it's a color I truly hate, I just dig out and use it in some cheap bubble bath to color the water. Or add to some body lotion to make a shimmer lotion. 

And if I notice the quality of an eyeshadow is not there and I truly can't make it work, they also get taken out. Although it really takes me awhile to decide to do that. I have to really dislike it to do that. Most colors I will still try to use if I can make it work. Sometimes I can repurposes them, I used up a light brown shade to contour with, turned another un-pigmented shadow into face powder and use it up pretty quickly that way etc

Anyway, this is what I've been working through lately.

Too Face Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar- This palette still smells like vanilla (some chocolate). It smells so nice. I dumped the two larger shades- Coconut Creme and Butter Pecan. I used up Nougat as a face powder. And I am trying to pan licorice. I know I said I would never pan another black but I lost a lot of it to dropping the palette. I actually really like the black. But the rest of the mattes are horrible. They muddle together when you use them  unless you use them with shimmer. I might try to pan the peanut butter shade next. That shade has no pigment either. Might be able to use it as a face powder. I do like using it all over my face because it smells so nice and the scent lingers.

NYX Africa Eyeshadow- I also have this ancient eyeshadow I've been using as a blush. The texture has always been horrible as an eyeshadow. It's workable with a red or white base. But I don't want to be bothered with that. It does work extremely well as a blush though. Lasting power is OK. It has a blue flash that's subtle..maybe doesn't appear on my face but overall it's probably going to be easy to pan this as a blush. NYX eyeshadows have always been easy to pan. 

Ignore the red pans, I colored them with nail polish for some reason. IDK. I guess to make it more obvious it was done. 

Smashbox On The Rocks- I recently got rid of all the shades that were too light or just really didn't work for me. Which was a lot of the palette. There are probably still a lot of colors I can still get rid of. But I used up three shades and put the palette away. I used up Juniper- which was useable as an everyday lid shade but not my favorite. Used up Sable as a contour. Made a surprisingly great contour color for me. And then I use up Sumatra as a cool deep brown with other shimmery bronze/browns from other palettes. I'll probably pull it out again once I finish at least two other shades from somewhere else. 

So far I'm down 74 eyeshadows. Maybe when I get to 80 I will buy MAC Blue Brown pigment that has been on my wishlist forever. 

Other than that I do have a lip color and two eyeliners I am trying to use up but too lazy to go get them. 

And that's all! 

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