Friday, April 8, 2022

Bourbon Glazed Chicken with Peaches, Blueberry Jelly, and Gingerbread Oatmeal

 It feels like it's been a long time since I did a food post..has it been? I'm in one of my lazy moods and don't really feel like cooking much lately. Which reminds me, I have some ice cream I need to make....I'll do it later. Maybe...

 Anyway, first recipe was from my Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook. I was so excited for it because I love Bourbon Chicken but I haven't had any in years and this was just OK. I was expecting out of this world. I don't think I would make it again because I know there has got to be a better bourbon chicken recipe out there. I guess maybe it has to do with me subbing chicken for the pork though? IDK. I made rice and mashed cajun sweet potatoes to go with it. I coulda plated it better though.

Then I made blueberry jelly. It was actually ridiculously easy. I just measured out the fruit, blending it up in some water, than boiled it for a little bit with sugar (so much sugar!), fruit pectin, and 3 vanilla pods. It made 2 huge jars. I already bought some more fruit pectin so I can try it out with Strawberries. I will probably keep trying different fruits and combinations since it was so easy and pretty fun too! Here's my PB and J with my homemade jelly. 

And last but not least..made some oatmeal. Gingerbread Oats. It was supposed to be steel cut but I hate steel cut.  I used regular oats. The ginger was different...definitely eat hot because once it cools down the ginger is gross. I really like adding raisins to my oatmeal though. I should do it more often....Will probably stick to just cinnamon and raisins (maybe a dash of nutmeg) and skip the clove and ginger. It kinda looks gross in the picture but it was good. I didn't follow measurements exactly and used a little too much water. Whoops. Recipe here.

And that's all for now! Until next time....

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