Thursday, May 19, 2022

Gorditas and Custard

 Blog time while I try to wait for my food to digest so I can get a workout in. 

I made Gorditas last week, I meant to make them a few weeks ago but I couldn't find Masa Harina flour. So I ordered it. 

I'm too lazy to get the bag but this is the one I bought and it's actually really, really good! I'm glad I bought two because I will be making Gorditas until I have used up all the flour. And maybe try another brand to see how it compares but I was really, really happy with this one. 

The gorditas were crazy easy to make. I've seen some fry it but my recipe was the healthier version- pan fry no oil. The only thing was I added way too much salt. I stuffed mine with guacamole, grilled chicken, etc and it was so good. The only thing was I couldn't get it to puff up- maybe it was the salt. I'm going to give it another try the meantime, I just made a sandwich out of mine. I probably should have made them into tacos. That would have been good too! I got the recipe here. Skipped the filling because my family doesn't eat pork.

I probably could have taken a better pic but I was hungry. I didn't have time...

And then I made custard. I got it out of the Harry Potter book. It was a very firm custard that kind of reminded me of the custard in German pudding pretzels. But better. I used a lot of Mexican Vanilla in it and it had a very nice flavor. Topped it with whipped cream and fresh fruit. It was pretty good. I would make it again if I had something to go with. Originally intended to make bread pudding to go with it but got lazy. 

Next time.

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