Thursday, May 5, 2022

Michael Jackson


I'm about to be here all day because.. because we are posting my favorite Michael music and he is the King of Pop after all. A legend that inspired most of the artists I grew up listening to- at least from my own time period. I remember the Thriller albums still being big in the mid 90' many times did the kids on my school bus sing random remixes of Beat It. Even my little sister (7 year age difference remember MJ song remixes) ...also his most popular album was still being played in the AYA (Youth Center) I would go to after school. 

So I'm just gonna jump right in...but where to start?

The Thriller album. Beat it. Cause this is the first Michael Jackson song I remember and all the remixes we used to sing...Wish I had a time machine so I could go to concerts he had in the 80's.

Of course Billie Jean...I remember this video coming on VHI all the time when I was young and I kept trying to figure out what the song meant...and of course the ICONIC Life performance. I know now, but I was so confused as a kid. Who's Billie Jean's baby daddy then? 

I love Human Nature- I definitely didn't find out it was a Michael original until Was much older. I heard the SWV version first...which it's obvious it's a Michael song, not sure how I wouldn't have picked up on that, sometimes my observance skills need help. I love how Michael Jackson had a wide range of topics in his music/art. He truly covered it all.

I first heard PYT on the Wii Michael Jackson game. Which I need to get my Wii  fixed so I can play it again....It broke a few weeks ago. This is my jam though...

And of course Thriller....the best music video of all time.

Wanna Be Something is another one on the Wii game...I just now realized how much of dance moves came from his live performances. This version is a little fast but I love this song...

Dirty Diana is my play it over and over and over song. I love this one. I remember when I first heard it, I was like OOOH, who's Diana?  I have some theories.

Smooth Criminal is another truly iconic one. Although there are so many I'm having trouble deciding my favorite. I probably never will. Remember the lean though? Who didn't try to do that..I know I did and failed so hard. I also tried to moonwalk....

Leave Me Alone- my favorite song to sing when I want to be left alone. So many MJ hiccups. Has anyone copied those? I can't think of anyone....surprised because they copied everything else.

We have Another Part of Me. Gotta have this one on the MJ playlist as well.

I thought Bad would have higher views. I love, love, love the music video. I can't really think about this song without remembering this one was possibly going to be a collab with Prince. And what Prince said about it. Still cracks me up..."I'm not singing this to you, and you sure aint singing to me" Haha.

Next up Liberian the song. But how does the music video really not have anything to do with the song...So many celebs. Wonder what the story was for the music video. I should look it up. I think this one was sampled quite a bit, it sounded familiar to me before I ever really heard the song.

Man in the Mirror is one of his greatest. I've seen many people try to compare Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake (eww) etc to Michael...and nope.Why? Because they don't have songs like this or seem to care for people the way you can see Michael did.. just sayin'

The Way You Make me Feel is one of my favorites. I just realized I have never seen the music video?!?!?But at the same time I have definitely seen this video before. Neyo, Chris, Omarion, and so many more have copied this vid almost exactly 😁😂 I love how unimpressed she looks, ummm how is that possible?  Before he started to look weird, Michael was a cutie. 

In the Closet- oooh my song. Also, Naomi Campbell is gorgeous. No wonder MJ looks so happy, I think this is the happiest I have ever seen him...

Then we have Remember The Time. Another one of my favorites- Eddie Murphy and out of this world beautiful Iman.

Dangerous recorded isn't as fun as the live version, I always skip it when it comes on in my car  but I can watch the whole live performance. Hehe or is HeeHee.

Give In To Me is a different sound for Michael and I like it....

Who Is It was on a newer album and had some of the old Michael sounds. I think that's why I love it! 

Now let's take it back....most of Michael's young music was in the Jackson 5 but there were a few solo songs when he was really little. It's crazy that his "young" voice had so much range to it, his voice and vocal abilities definitely changed when his voice changed. Yet he was still able to become of one of the biggest artists of his time- or all time really. 

Got to Be There is a classic. I really wish they would post some cleaned up clips- so blurry. 

Rockin Robbin'....such a cute song. I kinda feel too old to be listening to it, but then again MJ music (all of it) is timeless. When I see these clips it kinda makes me sad- he was so adorable yet seemed to hate every single feature on his face.  

Best collab of all time? I think so. I really wish they had done it live or if they had I could find it. 

Why is this song still relevant today? It will probably be relevant all my life....They still don't care about us. One of my favorite MJ songs of all time.

Floetry in the house. Love this one. I think I heard the Floetry version first...I thought it was a remake but Marsha sang on/wrote this one.

I remember hearing this one on the radio a lot when it came out. I didn't see the video until a few years ago's a little hard to watch because of his nose and that odd skintone. It reminds me of some of his old early 90's music vids though..

And this era is my favorite- with the cutest Michael. I just love this video and song 😍

I love Off the Wall (song and album). I kinda want to get a record player and a few select Records,Off The Wall being one of them.  Maybe I'll do that for Christmas.

One of my faves- I smile (hard!) the entire time I listen to this one. 

Working Day and Night-another fave. I first heard this sampled on an old Will Smith album I had. When I heard this, I was like yep- he sample MJ!! This song is better,  so much better! 

I love this one- it's like Thriller part 2. I missed it though, I missed most of Michael's early 90 songs. Or was it mid 90's?  Everyone was always so stuck on his older stuff...when a lot of his later stuff was just as amazing. I think if he had lived he would have hits in every decade- 2010's and 2020's. There's a 30 minute version vid of this that I really should watch, haven't seen it. 

Next up Sunset Driver. A previously unreleased masterpiece. How could they have shelved this?

The WIZ! I love The Wiz- despite the casting for Dorothy being completely wrong. I absolutely loved Michael as the Scarecrow. 

Love Never Felt So Good- I really like this song and the vid is fun to watch. Michael in all stages through his life.

Love A Place with No Name. I don't know how this didn't chart. You can tell exactly what album this would have been on. 

And last- Slave to the Rhythm. Love this song. The video is weird. I remember first seeing this strange stuff with Tupac. I don't think I've seen another...and not sure who is paying to go see a hologram- I read it's not technically a hologram though. They just won't let the man rest. So odd. I don't think this took off like they thought it would though...

And that's all. The Undisputed King of Pop, in the past, present, and likely the future. I don't see him ever being "dethroned". 

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