Tuesday, May 24, 2022



I have been feeling weary, just like life has been beating me down. IDK if it's just my normal restlessness after being in the same place a few years, but all of the sudden I need a change of pace. Scenery. Maybe I'll start looking into joining the Peace Corps (again)...or up and quitting my job to backpack through Europe or somewhere. IDK. 

I guess in the meantime I'll just finish this post. With some Michel'le. I don't know much about her except her speaking voice is exceptionally high and nothing like her singing voice, she was on one of those hip hop wives show, I don't keep up with them and don't want to look it up, and that she was with Dr.Dre .

I live for this song...although I like the record better. I feel like some of this performance her voice was straining and not as smooth as the recording. Maybe she was nervous? There was still some money notes in there though and an overall good performance.

Then the album version, which I can play over and over again. I love this song! That sax, those vocals, the lyrics. Yes!

Her talent should have given her a better career and longevity than what she ended up with, but I'm glad she made this song.


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