Monday, July 18, 2022

Lush Grease Lightning Spot Teatment Review

 Blog time before I got into relax mode. Todays' review Grease Lightning. 

I've never seen Grease but somehow I do know this song...Go Grease Lightning! And I sing that pretty much anytime I use this stuff.

I haven't really tried many (if any) spot treatments and luckily I don't need one that often. Every now and again, usually when I experiment a little too much with trying different stuff out on my face. 

I basically bought it because it was half off. Normal price is 13 Euro. 

Lush claims:

Pump a little onto your finger and apply onto spots as often as you need; so easy even a beauty school drop-out could do it. Use after other skin-clearing products such as Herbalism fresh cleanser and Cosmetic Warrior fresh face mask for clear, glowing skin.

The product is basically a gel (like Store Bought Aloe). It's easy to pump out and apply a little layer. I let it dry and then it looks like a peel off mask and I just let it stay on. Some people say it reminds them of snail slime. Maybe.  It's not something I put on before leaving the house, more-so at night or when I am going to be home all day. I guess you prolly could put it on and then rub it in really well, if you needed to leave the house. 

It smells lightly of tea tree, but not as tea tree-y. Like a lighter, fresher, is this really tea tree? I don't really notice the scent much after I put it on and it dries. 

The problem is, it doesn't dry up spots. I've had this horrible spot on my cheek and have been applying this multiple times a day and nothing. Maybe it depends on the spot. It works on maybe 1 out of ten spots. Which are not good odds. Not for me

Ingredients are amazing though. Full of things I was sure was going to work on my spots. I am a lil thrown by the grape juice though. I notice Irish Moss is no longer listed in ingredients but mine has it.


Thyme, Rosemary and Tea Tree Infusion, Water, Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel, Fresh Sea Water, Grape Juice, Carrageenan Extract, Irish Moss Extract,  Lavender Oil,Witch Hazel Extract, Linalool, Perfume, Methylparaben 

Didn't work for me. No Grease Lightning, No Grease Lightning! 

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