Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Miki Howard

 I'm procrastinating. I got back from vacation last night and really need to unpack- or technically all my stuff is out the suitcase.. on my bed. Which I should clear off. But for whatever reason I just cleared a space to sit and here I sit to blog. Just a music post. Then I guess I better get to it. 

I feel like most people don't know who Miki Howard is. Unless you are a big fan of 80's R&B. Which I am. So we'll start with what I think is her most known song. I used to hear this on the oldie station I think. Quiet Storm? Yeah. I don't know if it's my fave song by her but I do like it ( I love almost anything with a Sax). She hits some notes! 

I think this is my favorite song. I just love me some Gerald Levert. His vocals and hers on the same track. Yes, please. 

Actually maybe Come Share My Love is my favorite. I think it's the tempo changes? She makes me want to start wearing hats.

And now to go "unpack" my bed.

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