Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Mulligatawny Soup, Black Bean Corn Tortillas, and Apple Crumble

 Back for a post before I slip into ultimate lazy mode. 

This time with a few new recipes I tried.

Not the prettiest soup but good! 

First up, Mulligatawny soup. Strange name for a soup. At least for me. But I was excited to try it. Basically it's a curry chicken rice soup with an apple. It's from my Unofficial Harry Potter cookbook. I don't remember this soup in the series but apparently it was in Book 2. I love trying new things and I did actually really like it. I'm not sure I would cook this exact recipe again, I would make a curry chicken noodle soup that's loosely based on this one though. I didn't even mind adding the sweetened coconut on top. Definitely satisfied my need to try something new. 

I also made homemade corn tortillas. Yum! Made black beans (in the instant pot then fried with oil and tons of garlic and chili powder) and then assembled and had black bean tortillas with zucchini on the side. I have a ton of Masa Harina I need to use up and I think I'll just be adding tortillas in the rotation until it's finished. I use this recipe...mine never puff up but they tasted good anyway.

Last but not least, I made an Apple Crumble. Had leftover Granny apples, and I don't want to eat them I used two in a crumble (along with an Ambrosia apple). I also made some vanilla icecream. IDK why I've never made a crumble before, they are like a lazy apple pie...the only real work is peeling up the apples. I'm about to go grab the last of it and have movie night. 

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