Friday, September 30, 2022

Montell Jordan

Quick post because I am in need of de-stressing. But it's Friday and I really wanted to make sure I completed this post on Friday. Cause it's my Friday Jam. I should make it a point to play every Friday.  How many times can I say Friday? 

I already feel a little better. I actually think I might pop in Dance Central and go do the dance to this. I think it was on Dance Central 3. I really, really, really, loved this song back in the day. Back when I was a little G, but now I'm a big G. And I still love this song. Those lyrics though....😂

Ya'll remember when Montell Jordan was in The Fighting Temptations. I think I had the album and
that's why I know these other explanation.


Did anyone else used to get Montell Jordan mixed up with Montell Williams? I would say one name and be like wait, is that right?

Anyway, I'm off to continue de-stressing. 

Happy Friday! 

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