Sunday, September 4, 2022

Plant Therapy Key Lime Essential Oil (citrus x aurantifolia) Review

Quick post because I still have so much to do today- work out, drink wine..that's all I can think for now but it's enough. I've had this oil longer than you are supposed to keep any citrus oil...I got it in an oil of the month with Persian Lime. I like Lime oil but that was probably too much at one. I've finally used a little more than half the bottle. Or have about 1/4 left.

Plant Therapy claims:

Key Limes are a smaller and seedier variety of Lime with their own fresh, juicy scent. Key Limes are processed immediately after being picked in order to preserve the physical, chemical and aromatic characteristics in this fresh essential oil. This fresh, bright citrus scent is just one reason you need this essential oil in your collection! Key Lime also has astringent and immune-supporting properties, as well as an energizing, stimulating smell you'll want to breathe in all day long.
 Country of Origin: Mexico

I love Lime Oil. Lush uses lime oil a lot of and that was probably the first place I smelled it. It's also nice and uplifting in a diffuser or mixed into your own fruity blends for whatever you like. I mostly use it for cleaning mixes. I used it the other day in my new spin mop (love it, wish I bought it years ago!) and each time I would spin the mop the best fruity lime scent would just waft up. I mix it into vinegar/dish soap to clean to make the vinegar smell a little better and it makes cleaning which is usually a drag so much more pleasant.

It basically smells exactly like a lime. A real lime.

Seeing Key Lime definitely reminds me of Key Lime pie and it's nice to try another variety of Lime but I think they are all interchangeable to me. Any lime oil will do.I would probably go for the cheapest one on the Plant Therapy website. 

I read that's it's good for oily skin but I don't really like DIY moisturizers since I know that citrus oils can also cause photo sensitivity and for the most part I don't really wear much sunscreen. 

If you have oily hair, you can add it to shampoo, make DIY scrubs (bet it would be heavenly with vanilla!) and so much more. 

It's not kid safe. Not sure if it's pet safe so if you have pets, definitely do your research before using any oils around them.

I've also used it in Guacamole when I forgot to buy limes. But I wouldn't use it often in food....I think it's best to use actual limes.

Overall, love it! Never encountered a citrus oil I didn't like. I probably won't immediately repurchase because I have quite few citrus oils I need to use up, but I would eventually repurchase. I don't think Key Lime is offered all the time, but I wouldn't mind having this variety again, I think it's stronger than other Lime oils I've had in the past.

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