Friday, October 28, 2022

Musiq Soulchild

 I can't believe it's already Halloween weekend? Where is the year flying to? I think I am going to take this weekend and relax. I just don't feel like doing much, I need a recovery weekend. And listen to music. Or Musiq. Musiq Soulchild. I know he had a Verzuz recently.  I didn't really hear good things about it. He's not really a strong live singer. But I do love some of this here we go. 

We'll start with Just Friends. I love this song...but I can't even lie, I almost always start singing "that version". I'll post it in case you want to listen. I used to play it allll the time in college because I thought it was hilarious. I mean, this is really how some dudes act. 

I love Love. This one is like a beautiful poem...Just beautiful lyrics. 

I just love Don'tchange. My future husband is gonna sing this to me....and mean it 😁

I think Teach Me might be my favorite of his. I ove this song. Just that the chorus. I feel like this song is kinda me, so maybe that's why I love it so much.

Last one is Millionaire. This song reminds me of road tripping with my friend in college to New Jersey for Thanksgiving break. She drove us there and blasted this album the whole way. It was a good time. And that Thanksgiving was the first one (maybe only) I remember spending with my Grandma. I was so grateful not to have to spend Thanksgiving alone. Anywho, I love this song.  Don't settle for whatever...just wait. I think I know all the lyrics on the Luvanmusiq album.

Anyway, I'm off to enjoy more Musiq. Might have to watch that versus tonight if I can find it on the tube. 

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