Thursday, November 3, 2022

Candle Haul

 I've been collecting candles lately. These are all candles I've gotten in the past month or so. I really want to get into luxury candles, are the scents really better than cheap candles? Unfortunately for me and my wallet, I think they are. For the most part.

Harlem Candles Josephine- THIS is my favorite candle of all time. And from a black owned company? Yes, gimme, gimme. I want to try the other scents they have but I already know this will be a forever repurchase. It smells like Guerlain's Shalimar and La Labo Labdanum perfume. Just a really luxurious bedroom scent. 

Capri Blue Volcano- This is a really popular candle. They burn it in Anthropologie. Which I've never been to. I was really curious about this candle with all the rave reviews. It sells like sugared candy oranges. I'm not quite sure this is worth the price. I've read of their being so many cheaper dupes and it does seem like it would be an easy candle to dupe. I bought mine from Nordstrom because I loved the jar on the website but it comes in a ton of choices. I don't think the jar quite looks the way I expected- I wanted the burnt orange color and this looks more summery. 

Maison Souquet Candle- I bought this from the Mason Souquet in Paris. So it will always remind me of Paris. And one day...I will stay there! This is a very heady, intoxicating Jasmine scent. It's supposed to have notes of tobacco and rose but all I get is Jasmine.

Dyptique Santal- Technically I gave this to my parents but I burn it sometimes because it doesn't scent the living room (too big and open concept). It smells very nice...and I'm not normally a sandalwood fan but this one is pretty good. Not sure I would repurchase because I tend to like sandalwood in a more complex scent with florals or vanilla.

Dyptique Baies- Social Media favorite. I wanted to see what all the hype was about. I do really like this scent, sweet and sour berry with the scent of rose that just lingers perfectly. Not sure I would repurchase but I'm glad I got to experience it myself. I love that Dyptique fragrances smell natural- they don't smell synthetic whatsoever. From what I've read they get all their scents from raw material. 

And last but not least-I have burning my candle I made. It burns so nicely. Coconut Wax, Soy Wax, and a smidge of paraffin burns down so nicely. It almost makes me want to make my own candles regularly. 

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