Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Next the R&B group wearing all black and reunited. | Bandedbox

Music post time...before I alternate cooking, working out, and ultimate relaxation. 

I feel like Next is a group that seems largely forgotten about and IDK why. I love them, although they probably aren't in my top five boy groups. Maybe top ten. 

A lot of their live performances are blurry, blurry. Otherwise I would post them. I love the way Butta Love flows. Also, RL was a cutie 😁

Too Close was my song! I remember many road trips when I was young where this would come on. It's one of those songs I used to sing out loud on those trips and now that I know what some of those lyrics mean...wish I didn't. Fun fact- I lived in the UK when a group there made the remake and NOPE. Only the Next version for me. They tried though. 

Wifey is another one. Love this one. If I ever had a wedding, this would be on the playlist...the remix too. 

I thought When We Kiss was a single but I guess not. It's good enough to have been one. Can't even find a live version....

I know Splash from the Why Do Fools Fall in Love soundtrack.  Such a Next sounding song. 

I need to grab my HomePod and have a jam session. If only I didn't have so much on my To Do list...

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