Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Cranberry Almond Biscotti, Almond Parmesan Chicken Tenders, Vitamix Peanut Butter

 It's been forever since I've done a food post. I think I just lost my groove at the beginning of the year and couldn't motivate myself for some reason. Not that I haven't been cooking. I just haven't been cooking anything new. I think I am getting back in the swing of things though. 

First thing I made was Cranberry Almond Biscotti. Or the first time I made Cranberry Almond biscotti. It didn't come out right the first time, I just was having a bad cooking day and slightly burned them and didn't like the way the cranberry tastes cooked. But the biscotti itself was very good. I used vanilla paste in it, which really and truly does make a big difference! Otherwise, this recipe was ridiculously easy to make. Who knew you could make biscotti so easily? 

Then I made Almond Parmesan Crusted Chicken Tenders, whic hI was excited for because of the Almond Flour. But it really didn't have much flavor, I think I would rather use regular flour. They were OK, not something I would make again.

And last up- Peanut Butter! I know I've made Peanut Butter before, in the Vitamix. It was years and years ago. This time we used freshly shelled Peanuts- thanks to my Dad for shelling them 😁 And it came out creamy, fresh, and slightly sweet. And it stayed that way even after being in the fridge. Homeamade Peanut Butter and Vitamix for the win! 

And that's it...hopefully I won't go so long before the next foodie post.

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