Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Diptyque Santal Candle Review

I'm so excited, we got some tickets to go to a Jazz Festival this summer...I just need a fast forward button to all the sunshine and fun I know we are going to have. In the meantime, it's still a cold and rainy spring. And I'm beyond ready for some warm weather. Since we still do have cold, overcast weather it's still the perfect weather for lighting a candle. I originally gave this candle to my parents but since it doesn't fill their candle burning area, I just took it back. 

Dyptique claims: 

The scent of fresh sandalwood. On the ground, chips and sawdust form an intensely fragrant carpet. In the humid heat of Asia, the nuances rise into the air: a velvety fragrance, lullabying and delicately spicy.

This candle will always be special to me because I bought it in Paris at their original store. We got to smell most of the candles in the store and this was one I knew I wanted to take home. I have kind of a love/hate relationship with the scent of Sandalwood, sometimes I love it but there have been times I have completely hated it. This I find to be different from other Sandalwood scents. It's very calming, relaxing, and does smell like Sandalwood in a very natural way. I really enjoy this take on Sandalwood.

I think what I like most about this candle is how subtle it is (yet you can still smell it) , it doesn't smell like you have a candle burning, it just makes the room smell really nice. It creates a whole, relaxing atmosphere. I really feel like it has an effect on my mood too. It's the perfect candle to use before bed or while curling up wit ha good book.

It's not a perfect candle though. It will burn to the edges if I don't trim the wick, but if I don't trim the wick it soots and smokes. It's also made of paraffin which probably isn't the best to burn. I think it might be 100% paraffin too. It does carry and hold the scent well though so I can see why they haven't switched waxes.

It is a pricy candle. I have read that Dyptique candle scents are made completely of natural materials which can account for the cost. As well as I think they are handmade. But still, they are a LOT of money. Due to that I don't know that I would repurchase, but I've really enjoyed burning it. Maybe if I won the lottery... 

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