Sunday, April 16, 2023

Senna Cosmetics Angle Fluff Brush Review

I've been having a great weekend so far 😁 Figured I would do a quick blog post in between all the other Sunday things I need to get done. This time a boring brush review, but I'm feeling a bit inspired to review some of the brushes that have been sitting in my collection since I keep ordering more. At this point I have all the brushes I need and just gravitate towards my faves but I still occasionally get the itch to get a few more.

Senna claims: 

This wide, fluffy angle brush quickly shapes the eye, applying shadow to the corners, in the crease, or over the entire eyelid. Natural hair.

I know I got this brush on a deal, I can't remember now if I paid $1.00 or if it was a little more, but I know it wasn't too much more.  

I haven't been a fan of this brush shape since I used the ELF Defining Eye Brush. But I thought I would get another in the same shape because that ELF one was cheap and tiny and wanted to see if the larger Senna brush would do anything for me.

And...not really. I will mostly use it to blend edges but I have other brushes I prefer more. I've tried using it in other ways- the crease, under eye, entire lid etc and I just always feel myself wanting to grab other brushes since I think they do a better job. 

So that's the story of this brush- not a must have and other brushes do everything this brush does but better. It's discontinued now but I do still see it for sale on other sites.

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