Sunday, April 23, 2023

Paddington Burgers, Blueberry Almond Crisp, and Crab Cakes

 Time for an another food post. I have been cooking this past week. I made a batch of cookies for work, homemade cinnamon rolls. I have to share a pic of the cinnamon rolls, they cooked perfectly! Last time I tried to make them they wouldn't cook through and I think it was partly the ovens fault, partly my fault because I used a thick ceramic pan. But look at them....made better with cream cheese that had a whole vanilla bean and Bailey's Salted Caramel Liquor in it! 


But moving on to burgers. I've had too many burgers lately. Went to Five Guys yesterday and tried their burger which I think was just OK for an $11.00 Burger. It was very filling and did taste fresh but it was missing some seasoning or seemed very similar to what I could make at home. But let me stop talking Five Guys and talk about these burgers I made from the unofficial Harry Potter cookbook. It was like making a meatloaf because it has tomato sauce, onions, bread crumbs, etc in it. It didn't taste like meatloaf made a decent burger. Not sure I would make this exact recipe again..but it was OK. Had it on a Brioche bun with the rest of the crispy onions, lettuce, tomato, ketchup etc. Found someone posted the recipe here.

Then I made a Blueberry Almond Crisp. That got a little overbrowned but it didn't affect the taste. the recipe is originally a Peach Crisp but I'm not a fan of cooked peaches and they aren't in season anyway so I used blueberries. Yum! Tastes better the next day and I have mine with a big dollop of homemade whipped cream with a whole vanilla bean added. 

And last up, crab cakes. I bought some tinned crab meat a while ago and finally got around to turning them into crab cakes.  My first time making them...I would make them again. They came out pretty good! 

And that's all! I'm off to warm up some leftover blueberry's been on my mind all day.

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