Sunday, April 30, 2023

Project Pan #32

 Today is flying by way too quickly. Why are Sundays always like that? On the plus side, tomorrow is May and we finally have holiday in May (much needed). This post is my 32nd project pan post, that's a lot. 

To get started, the Smashbox on the Rocks palette is no more. I used up the Lilac shade. After breaking it. It was a really pretty purple (although a bit dusty) so I do miss having it in the collection. It was also unique. I tossed the shade called Minx. I just didn't like it, it was a very non-color that made the most boring look no matter what I mixed it with. The silver-y grey was actually really pretty and I did wear it in the house. I find those type of shades to look too much on my skin-tone for everyday so even though it was very pretty, I didn't really want to wear it outside. I used up Framboise- the raspberry shade as a blush. It didn't really make a great shadow. But most raspberries don't because they look really see through and I just don't find it the best shade on me. I used the deep shimmery grayish black as a liner. Found out I'm not a fan of grey shimmery liner. And Cabernet broke- but I didn't like it anyway. It came off too brown. So that leaves Smoke. I depotted it and added to my odds and ends palette. I like Smoke and it is unique in my collection but I don't feel the need to keep it. I pried all the metal pans out to recycle and then tossed the whole palette packaging in the trash. And that's all, goodbye Smashbox on the Rocks! I don't have anymore Smashbox palettes and don't see myself buying any in the near future. Some of the shadows were nice but many of them didn't layer well, and we just dull overall, even though they were soft and easily blend able. 

I'm going to finish up the Smoke palette and then take a break from Project Pan...or just work on a single. I'm 115 shadows down since I started keeping track, that included using some as paints, nail polish, bath water color, trashing some, and actually using some shadows up. 

I used up the Senna cosmetics Amethyst Liner. Most of it dropped but I still did use a nice chunk of it. I really didn't like it though...the pigment just wasn't there.

And I'm still using my eyebrow can actually see a teeny bit of progress.

And that's all! I think I will take a little break once I finish up that last shade, maybe pick a single shadow to get through and then get started on my Modern Renaissance palette. 

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