Monday, April 10, 2023

Sharbat-E- Olu Bolu, Self Rising Cream Biscuit Strawberry Shortcake, and Mediterranean Quail

 Already time for another food post, even though I just did one. I don't want them to just sit in my phone and I'm already ready to move on to the next few recipes. 

First up, a drink turned into a topping. I'm not a fan of sour cherries, but I've made a topping with them a few times. I think this is probably going to be my last time. They are just too sour for me. I knew I didn't want to go to the trouble of making it into a cherry concentrate so I turned it into a topping and put the topping on oatmeal and yoghurt. I don't think I like the cherry cardamom flavor although I loved it in the sour cherry cardamom cream puffs I did a few years back. But I put the cardamom in the whipped cream. That's my yoghurt with the sour cherry and maple syrup.

I probably should have skipped this recipe since I don't buy self rising flour. I did a DIY version and it was OK. Not the best biscuits I've ever had but not the worst. They are for strawberry shortcake. Which I did make. I'm only just now realizing Strawberry Shortcake is made with biscuit/scones and not cake. Anyway the whipped cream (I made it with a vanilla bean AND vanilla extract) was amazing. As were the strawberries. I slightly sweetened them with sugar. It's been my go to snack the past few days. So good..

Last up, I tried Quail. This wasn't a recipe, I was just shopping and happened to find Quail. I like trying new things every once in a while so I made it for Easter. It was actually really good, whatever seasoning they put on it was really good. It tastes like an elevated chicken. Here is my rather boring Easter plate. Felt like keeping it simple. 

And that's all for now...

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