Monday, May 22, 2023

Eden's Garden Eucalyptus Essential Oil Review

 I used of the last of this oil so that means it's time to review it before I chuck the packaging. I've had this oil forever and it was definitely time to use it up, especially since the last year I forgot I had this and was reaching for my other big bottle of Eucalyptus. Whoops!

Eden's Garden claims:

When learning about the many medicinal and healing properties of essential oils for the first time, Eucalyptus was likely part of the introduction. It is a powerful oil with an abundance of therapeutic properties and is a meaningful addition to any massage oil. 

EG carries three Eucalyptus essential oils, the others being Eucalyptus-Globulus and Eucalyptus-Smithii. The primary difference of radiata and other sub-species of eucalyptus is its especially cool, crisp, penetrating aroma.  It is a common ingredient in chest rubs, natural inhalants and sport crèmes.  

The essential oil is extracted from the tree’s leaves through a steam distillation process. Today, radiata is the most prevalent species of eucalyptus grown and is known as "The King of Eucalyptus.” It blends well with other camphorous oils and lemony scents. 

I don't order from Eden's Garden enough. I think I just get stuck on Plant Therapy because I have more rewards with them. Also I don't get the Eden's Garden sale emails anymore. So anyway, I bought this forever ago because I can't be without Eucalyptus oil. 

It just smells so nice, goes well with so many oils. The scent it very medicinal-it smells like medicine for your lungs. Vicks Vapo rub. It smells like relief for sore muscles. Clears your mind, clears your sinuses. 

Most of the Eucalyptus oils you find is the Globulus variety- this is radiata. It's said to be a bit more milder than the other Eucalyptus and I would agree. It's not as sharp as regular Eucalyptus. I appreciate the other one but I also like how this is a little more gentle. I could use either interchangeablyand will probably buy bottles of both going forward.

I haven't had this problem recently so I haven't used tihs particular bottle of oil that way, but a few years back I was walking in the rain and started to feel like I was getting sick. I diluted Eucalyptus and put it on my neck, sore spots, etc and it went away in no time. I never even got sick! Also at some point I had some neck issues, I rubbed Eucalyptus diluted in castor oil on the area and it went away..almost permanently. I had to re-apply a few years later. I actually just used a bit diluted in Castor Oil on my problematic ankle. It helped temporarily but I think I need to apply it more regularly. I messed it up this time doing lunges where you step back across your body. I was being careless. Or I was focusing on making sure my knees were OK. It doesn't help that I keep jumping and working out on it either.

I love mixing  Eucalyptus- so far my favorites to blend it with are Mint, Rosemary, Lavender, and Grapefruit. 

Love it, love it, love it! This is a great quality that is in my top five and one you will never find me without. Just make sure if you have children or pets you are making sure to practice safe Essential Oil use. Eucalyptus is not safe for kids and I'm not sure about pets.

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