Sunday, May 28, 2023

Peanut Butter Ice cream, Teriyaki Sandwiches, Cinnamon Apple Sauce

 One more post for today and then I'm off to enjoy the rest of my Sunday. I think now that it's getting hot I am going to slow down on cooking as much. Something about the heat that makes me sluggish and I have a lot less patience in a hot kitchen. 

Starting off with another ice cream recipe. I feel like at this point I have made so many flavors. I made another peanut butter ice cream a couple months back and I hated it. I also remember a Peanut Butter and Jelly ice cream from a small local brand that wasn't so good either. I anticipated not liking this so I halved the recipe. For some reason, this peanut butter ice cream was amazing...I would make it again. I let the custard base set two days, then churned it and stirred in some chunky peanut butter icecream and it was so good! I got this recipe from the Unofficial Harry Potter cookbook.

Next up, Teriyaki Pulled Chicken Sandwiches. Original recipe uses pork but I subbed it out for three chicken breast. I made my own Teriyaki Sauce the night before so all I had to do was throw everything in the Slow Cooker the next day. So good and super easy!  I even put the pineapple slice on the sandwich. You can find the recipe here.

And last...some Apple Sauce. I love apple sauce. Since I was a kid, it has been my jam. But I've never made it. IDK why not. It's super easy. I was able to make it on my 30 minute lunch/dinner break. The only part I don't like was peeling the apples. If I made it again I would reduce the sugar and use a little less cinnamon. Recipe here.

And...that's all for now! 

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