Thursday, May 18, 2023

Samples Review: Prada Paradoxe and Narciso Rodriguez Musc Noir Rose

 Usually I wait until I have three of these to post but I don't want this sitting my drafts for forever Also...I have pretty much written this post and I really want to get back to reading the Hunger Games prequel book- I would call it's name but for some reason I can never remember the title and don't want to Google or open up my Ibooks until I am done with this post. So today we have two easy perfume reviews, starting with...

Prada Paradoxe- I really should try to write the review as I use these up. I tend to forget the scent but I'll try to remember. This is a perfume that really changes and develops over the day. I loved the initial spray..then it went into a sharp floral scent that I don't really love. It's something I can't put my finger on but I've smelled in a ton of other perfumes. Then it calms down and becomes really likable. It projects as it warms up on my skin which I really liked. Overall, I like it, it's not very unique but it's a nice everyday scent. I could see myself picking up a bottle.

Narciso Rodriguez Musc Rose 
This was a disappointing scent. I really couldn't get much Rose from it. but I did get some nice Tuberose and vanilla. The performance on this was weak. It didn't last very long and disappeared very quickly. Didn't really warm up well on my skin. I couldn't really smell it much as the day progressed. I would much rather get Givenchy L'Interdit again if I am in the market for a Tuberose scent. I have sampled another fragrance from this brand, unfortunately didn't really like that either....

Short post but that's all I have for today! 

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