Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Vitamix Mexican Coffee, Basic Basil Pesto, and Strawberry Swirl Ice cream

 I'm on my second watch through of Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story and I am obsessed. All that's floating around in my head these days are Even Days, Gardens In Bloom, I am Good With Buttons, Just Get In, You Didn't Go Over the Wall, and on and on. I'm almost done with my second watch through and then I'll probably start the series over again if I don't find something else to watch. Or maybe I'll wait until closer to Bridgerton Season 3 coming out. 

In between all that TV time, I have been cooking. Or actually I made all this on the weekend.

First up, I made Mexican Coffee. But not really. I watched a few videos of real Mexican coffee and it looks delicious. What I made wasn't that great. I didn't follow the recipe-at all. It was a Vitamix Coffee recipe. But called for too much cinnamon and I just didn't feel like dragging out the Vtiamx at all. It wasn't bad. But it wasn't great either. I think it was the instant coffee (espresso), though the recipe uses fresh brewed. I even added the chocolate in it which I am finding I don't really like in coffee. But maybe it's just the chocolate I'm using is too bitter. It's a high quality, high percentage of Cocoa chocolate. One day, I want to get to Mexico and get some authentic coffee...because this wasn't it but it's probably my fault for not following the recipe.

I love pesto and I've always meant to make it...yet I hadn't. This recipe came right on time because you can get Basil plants for a really great price at the moment.  A lot of jarred pesto isn't that good..I've found only one that I loved. But this is the best.... I made it in a food processor and it was so easy! I think this is my favorite pesto and I am already planning on making it again. To go with it I made pasta (it's been a minute since I went through the trouble of making pasta) and I also made a crispy panko chicken. It was so good and worth all those hours in the kitchen. You can find the pesto recipe here.

Last up, I made Strawberry Swirl Ice cream. I got this recipe from the Unofficial Harry Potter cookbook. It's not my favorite Strawberry Ice cream and it's a lot more work than the last Strawberry Ice cream I made since you have to puree the strawberries and then cook them down (takes away the freshness in my opinion). Then you have to make the base which you cook over the stove, temper eggs, and then strain ( I never strain). Much more work and not necessarily worth it. Also, I love the idea of a a Strawberry Swirl, and I like that it uses Jam, but I feel like the Strawberry Swirl could be better. 

Looks yummy though! And it's not bad but I wouldn't make it again...

And that's all..until next time! 

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