Monday, June 12, 2023

Antica Oficina Napoli Buffalo Milk Soap Review

 I'm feeling so I'm starting this post but I don't know if I'll finish it. On another note, I had a busy, busy weekend. Really a busy week so I think this weekend I'll be in the house at least one full day. I did see the Little Mermaid though which was really good. I think it's my favorite Disney Live Action. I'm ready for them to release it so I can just play it as much as I want (over and over again).

But...Back to the soap.

I bought this at a Bazaar a couple years back and it just sat there unused until I worked through a few other soaps in the collection. I don't know if I have the brand correct, I always find it hard to tell the brand name of Italian I probably got that wrong. 

As far as skin benefits it's supposed to rich in skin loving nutrients so it has been said to make your skin more supple, moisturized, and smooth.

The soap itself looks simple and basic. It has a nice powdery smell that is pleasant and not overpowering. Just very gentle.

It lathers up really well. I bought it to use as a facial wash. It really works well for that. It cleans really well and I feel like my skin is smoother, brighter, and a bit healthier looking. It can be a little more drying in the winter weather but does just fine in the summer months. 

Overall it was a solid buy. I kind of wish I could find it at the Bazaar again so I could try some of their other bars or maybe even pick up a back up. Now I can say I've tried Goat, Camel, and Buffalo Milk Soap.....

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