Friday, August 18, 2023

Black Bean+Butternut Squash Soup, Fire Roasted Salsa, and Moco-Coco Iced Coffee

 Already time for another food post. Once I get to three, I just like to go ahead and knock them out so I can move on to the next three. 

So black bean and butter nut squash soup. Really I love anything with Black Beans. They are my favorite kind of bean. I couldn't find butternut squash so per the blog post, I just used sweet potato. It came out similar to a meatless chili. The recipe is also vegan which is always nice to make every now and again. The only thing that threw me off was the cabbage. I'm not sure I liked the texture- but I do love how healthy it is. I would make it again. Click here for the recipe.

Next up, Fire Roasted Salsa. I haven't made a salsa in years and never one where you roast the veggies in the oven. It was really pretty good though! Mine wasn't spicy at all, I kinda wish it had more kick to it. I had to figure out what to have them with so I mixed up a quick guacamole and then threw together some chicken quesadillas. I also had leftover black bean and rice and boiled some corn.  Everything was so good!

And last up Moco-Coco Chilled Coffee. This was a Vitamix recipe that I followed very loosely. I did two packs of Jacobs Iced Coffee, an espresso pack, a couple teaspoons of coconut, some cocoa powder, and vanilla sugar. Blend together...add ice. And foamed milk. It had a really good flavor. But I didn't like the texture of the coconut. I think coconut extract would have been better. It was good though. Had me feeling like a fake barista.

And that's all for now 😁

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