Monday, October 9, 2023

The Pointer Sisters

 This holiday weekend went way too fast...felt like I just blinked and it was gone. So I'm gonna get this post out and hit the relax button for a few more hours....

So today let's talk Pointer Sisters. Starting with their most well known song. This song makes me think of feel good movies from the 80's. I just watched the music video and it definitely put the song in context for me. I guess I never really payed attention to the lyrics like that ....😳😁

Next favorite by them is Automatic. I just love how low it's sung. I have a lot of fun cruising in the car to this one...

I lied about the first song. Jump is definitely their most popular song. Such a fun song. It's on my Just Dance games. It's one of those feel good mood songs.

I think I saved my favorite for last. I've made up my own music video in my head to this. I just love it! 

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