Monday, November 6, 2023

Pretty Ricky

 I'm exhausted. I don't think I slept a wink last night. I was just up second to second, minute to minute, hour to hour until it was time to get up and go to work . I wasn't sure I was going to post this group..but why not? Their music takes me right back to high school. I think I had their CD downloaded...or I had a burned copy. I can't remember, I just know that when Pretty Ricky came out, they dominated the radio and I loved their music. 

I can't think of the group name without thinking of that episode of Martin. Or without randomly saying "Pretty Ricky, Ricky, Rickay". 

I don't think I have their most popular song- Your Body or On the Hotline. But I still know all the words to this day. I think my favorite song might be Love Like Honey. This video is so mid 2000's. Haha. In hindsight the song isn't that great but still a classic to me. 

I like Get You Right. I just love the chorus and a few of the verses too.

I love this song, maybe because it samples one of my all time favorite songs- Right and a Wrong Way by Keith Sweat. I love any song that samples that one.

Re-listening to this, almost every song I could leave the rap. They mad man interesting group for sure. Idk why but every time I hear some Pretty Ricky- I'm right back in Chemistry class in high school. Good Times.

Now instead of going to sleep like I should, I'm off to watch a video on the history of Instant Ramen and read a few chapters.

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