Thursday, November 30, 2023

Project Pan #37

 Quick post today because I am anxious to get back to watching Outlander. I've been rewatching it these last couple of months since I found out Bridgerton was delaye. I love Outlander. I especailly love, love, love me some Jamie Fraser but someone said Jamie is written too perfectly (he does have flaws but even those are perfect) and I can't unsee it now. I'll just keep right on enjoying his "perfection". And his hands- I think I might be weird for this but he really has perfect hands and I always hyperfocus on them when they are on the screen 😩😋😂 .

But back to Project Pan. It's been a minute since my last Project Pan update but I was determined to finish the Soft Ochre shade in the ABH  Modern Renaissance palette. And I did. I used it as a brow highlight. Not a ground breaking shade, just something that was there and that I could easily use up. Even if it did seem to take forever. 10 shades left to go! 

I did hit pan in a few other shades. I hit pan on my next focus shade- Burnt Orange. This became a go to for when I don't know what else to wear. I like it. It's a nice flattering orange but could be tad better quality. I think I'll be done with it soon, especially once I repress it. I hit pan on Red Ochre. I love wearing it  with with Burnt Orange which is why I used so much. I also hit pan on Love Letter which was surprisingly. I don't love that shadow but I kept reaching it whenever I wanted to add a dash of fuchsia. Hopefully that makes it easier to pan later when I get to it. 

I'm taking out the white pencil that was in the project. I use it to outline my brows before I Nair them so I'll just let that go as normal without trying to use it up. 

I am still working on the Too Faced Shadow Insurance. The container is starting to feel really empty but I probably still have months and months of use left. Shadow primers last forever!! 

And I am adding this Esum liner. I don't like the Esum brand that much- I think it's something to do with the founder. But I got this liner free when I bought my Viseart palettes. This liner only lasts a few hours in my waterline. I do like how soft and easy it goes on but I'm ready to use it up and get it out the collection. There's a sparkly beige type color on the other side that I have been ignoring but may start using as a base just to start using it up. Not sure yet...

And that's it for this update. I still don't have a massive amount of things but I like focusing on just a few in order to not get overwhelmed. 

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