Friday, November 24, 2023

Senna Crease Brush #27 Review


I am determined to get through reviewing  the pile of brushes I have that I want to review. Otherwise they will sit there for years...and I will block myself from buying new brushes (I should probably not buy any more brushes anyway) . I bought a few Senna brushes on clearance. I think this had to be $6.00 or less. I like natural haired brushes and they are coming to be a little harder to come by as most companies switch to synthetics. I think this was on clearance because Senna also switched to synthetic brushes. Bummer.

Senna claims:

Rounded firm tip brush applies eye colors to the crease area and then blends beautifully.

  • Natural Hair
  • Size: 6.75 long

Made in Korea. Senna Cosmetics.

This is definitely a different type of crease brush than the ones I have in my collection. It just has an oddly tapered point. Because of the way it looks, I kinda shied away from using it. But I have kept it within reach so I can grab for it more often review. I do like it for certain things but don't find it a must have. Probably after I put it back in the container I won't intentionally grab for it 

It works really well to pick up hard to pick up shadows. Sometimes the ones that are super hard pressed can be difficult to pick up and this makes easy work of it. It works well to pack some color to the outer corners and into the crease. It can work as a crease brush to get more concentrated color. in the crease.  I don't tend to wear makeup like that so I don't reach for it for that reason much. 

It is a very soft brush with thicker bristles. I think that's what makes it easier to grab pigment/color. I like it best for Matte shades..not something I reach for when I am using shimmer. 

Other than's not a must have. I like it, I'll use it when I remember it. But wasn't a must have. 

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