Sunday, May 26, 2024

Depotting My Nars Blushes

 I'm bummed because my Apple Watch decided to give up yesterday...and I had a move streak of almost 1100 days. I already did order another one...because it really does motivate me to get my movement and working out in and shows me the pattern of working out over the months. So I'm just impatiently waiting for it to come in the mail and trying to motivate myself. 

In the meantime I did manage to finally depot my old Nars blushes. This has been on my to do list forever because the packaging just got so grubby I didn't really want to use the blushes- and even though they are years and years old, they are powder and still work just as well as the day I bought them. Except maybe one or two that keep developing hard pan. But they have been doing that since day one. 

I think I kept putting it off because I did not want to break any of the blushes in my collection....I looked up a few methods- oven, floss, and then finally settled on the flat iron method. It was very easy. I didn't have any casualties except some cracking in one that I made sure to try and press back in to prevent further damage.

This is just some of the nasty dirty packaging...ewww.

And this is what they look like now- so pretty! And so much easier to figure out what color I want to grab for. I do need to replace at least one one of the magnets because it's not strong enough. I probably also wouldn't travel with them because I fear breakage...but they do look so nice. I just put them in a MAC palette because I can't find the NARS one.

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