Monday, May 27, 2024

Hair Thoughts

 I don't really feel like a million bucks today so I am having a "chill" day. For the most part. I did test my broken Apple Watch today and it turned on. Of course it would do that after I already ordered another one. I will probably end up returning the new one when it comes. Or keep it as back up. I'm not sure yet. Anyway, I thought I would just make a post rambling about hair because that's been my focus for the past couple weeks. Ever since I straightened it. I'm sure it will be something else in the next couple of days. 

Starting with this vid I found a couple of days ago. I love watching vintage vids- but usually people that look like me or have hair like me are never the subject. I found this fascinating. I remember my Mom trying to straighten my hair once with a real hot comb. I must have been 6 or 7? She said she tried it once on herself and burned her hair right off. They take skill. You never know how hot they are unless you have experience and know what you are doing. I can tell you I would never attempt straightening my hair with a comb. I would have a burnt up scalp and ears. Thank goodness for modern flat irons! 

Speaking of flat irons- I still have the first expensive one I bought when I was in high school. It "broke" at some point and my Dad was going to fix it...and then it disappeared. I got it back a couple years ago and figured out it still worked if I taped the cord a certain way. I had to go with this particular flat iron because it was dual voltage and I loved it! It was a world of difference between the flat irons I used prior and this one. I previously had big clunky Remington, Conair, etc that just didn't work all that great. I'm sure they are much better now but the ones back in the day were struggle. 

My first expensive flat iron. I am going to use it next time I straighten my hair.

I had a Remington Wet to Straight- I cringe when I think of how I fried my hair with it. And a baby blue flat iron with interchangeable plates. It looks exactly like this. 

I especially remember frying and sizzling my hair. I mostly used a curling iron, the cheap metal ones from Conair. I would put curling wax or grease or Luster's Pink stuff and then fry my hair. I could literally hear it sizzle. And I did not use heat protectant. I'm amazing because I still had a lot of hair on my head with all the abuse I subjected it too. I used to do my own relaxers majority of the time and used it like conditioner. I would overlap the hair and everything. My hair and scalp had been through a LOT. I would get scabs from the relaxer that I would pick at 🤮 

When I wasn't using a curling iron I would use Hot Rollers. Very similar to the set below. I used them for about 2-3 years. I still remember how they smelled. I can't believe I would wake up early enough to heat them up and stick them in my hair before school. 

I was considering buying Beyonce's Cecred line. just to try. But I still have so much hair stuff in my reserve that I don't want to add more. I need to use up some of what I have. Maybe in a couple of years I'll buy one or two things. 

These days I spend a lot of time looking for silicone free hair products. It's so hard to find lines that don't use silicone. Mainly because I know they coat my ends and make them dry, they just don't really wash out my hair without more drying of my hair. Also they make my hair stiff and weigh it down and really are detrimental to my hair when it comes in the shampoo, conditioner, AND styling products. Especially dimethicone. The only time I would use them is for heat protection when I am straightening. Or I might make an exception for a curly hair product I really want to try- rarely now. 

I've been on an accessory buying kick. I bought some new hair rollers- a new bonnet, a shower bonnet from a black owned company, some silk hair ties for when I straighten my hair (even though I won't be doing that for a few more months!). I even considered buying some henna to get some natural color in my hair. But then again...I'm feeling lazy to do that. I did buy some color wax that I can't wait to try. I'll probably need to buy something that works for twist outs before I use it but I am still on my "No Buy" so maybe I'll just use some Shea Butter.

Anyway...that's all my ramblings for today. I'm going to go shape some rolls I plan on baking later tonight but since I'm having a lazy day, I'll probably be back for another post later on. 

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