Friday, June 14, 2024

All the Cleaning Things-Fave Products and Reviews Part II

I'm still addicted to buying cleaning stuff. I have to stop myself from just buying things constantly which I've been pretty good at because the cabinet is full. But most of it was stuff my parents left here and I am just trying to use everything up.  Here's the next iteration of cleaning stuff I have been using...


I bought this for move in cleaning. I have a lot of cleaners but none of them disinfect or sanitize. I don't use a disinfectant or sanitizer on a daily basis unless needed or for especially dirty or grimy jobs. Or when I am cleaning light switches etc.  But when you are moving into a want to make sure everything is clean, clean . This get's the job done. Taps sparkles, grime, oil, grease and dirt break down...this is a good product. But I wouldn't purchase it over my Method spray unless I needed the disinfectant part. This is also super cost effective. Diluting it means this bottle will last forever! The only reason I used some of it so quickly is because I poured more than needed to mop. It still does work well diluted but some things you will want to use it extra strength. I don't usually like to use it in the kitchen because you do need to rinse it when you use it on food surfaces and I don't do that most of the time. The scent is Sparkling Lemon and Sunflower Essence. Whatever that is. It just smells like any old Lemon cleaner. I'm not really a fan of the lemon cleaning product scent-so I would buy this again but not in this scent.

Comet Lemon Fresh
Comet is such an old school brand. I grew up cleaning the bathroom with Comet. It came out in 1956 and I love watching the old commercials for it. It's definitely not the same formula though. This one has bleach. I don't usually like cleaning with bleach because it gives me a headache so I usually mask up when I use it. I've tried it for a lot of different things- I don't really love it in the kitchen but it did remove grease very well when I fried chicken a few months ago. I mostly use it in the toilet. And occasionally on the sink- it cleans the sink until it sparkles. Faucet included! I don't like it in my shower because I feel like I inhale too much bleach. It does have a slight lemon scent- artificial lemon. I don't know how it compares to the OG. But it does work well. 

Ajax Triple Action Orange Dish Soap/Lime Scent and Vinegar
Very watered down and it goes fast. I don't remember ever using Ajax dish soap. It could do better with greasy dishes as well. It will eventually get the grease but you have to wash whatever you are cleaning multiple times. I thought it would have a nice fruity orange scent but it just smells like lemon cleaning stuff. I do like it to mix in with Vinegar/Water  or just water to make an all purpose cleaning spray. I don't notice any difference between Dawn and this when I do that. The lime and vinegar is pretty much the same, watery and takes a lot of get things clean. I will say I think it does clean slightly better than the Orange one but the scent could be better. 

And last up, dishwasher pods. Cascade Platinum in Fresh scent. I like to wash most dishes in the dishwasher. I run it about 2x a week so pods will last almost forever, which is good because these are a bit on the pricier side. We usually used the German ones but I just picked these up because I was running out and this is what they had in the store I was in. They get everyday dishes and the dishwasher sparkling clean. They are also easy because you don't need any rinse aides or salts. It's all in one. It's not a miracle though so if you have a burned on stuck on mess, and I mean really burnt on- it won't get it. But for most things- it works great. I want to try the regular pods to see if they work just as well for less money- so that's what I'll buy next. more thing! I don't like it on silicone dishes because it makes them taste funny. So I can't wash spatulas in the dishwasher with these. I would also rather an unscented product- it has a very strong "lemon" cleaning product scent. 

Frosch Citrus Washing Machine Cleaner- I bought a combination washer/dryer so I need to be sure to take extra care of it as I don't want any problems with it. On my machine you are supposed to clean the drum every thirty cycles. So far, I've been on top of it! Yay me. Anyway, this worked fine. I think the one I got prior was a little better- the drum came out a bit shinier and there was less stuff I needed to wipe off the door afterwards. I would probably try other less expensive brands and cycle back to this one eventually.. This one does say citrus but it didn't have smell...

Was a bit late for the next washing machine clean- I picked this one up which is on the pricier side. De. Beckman. I don't think I've tried much from him...this does have a smell but once you dump it in the machine and turn it on- it's really nothing. I guess it did a good job- everything was sparkling except the drum door which I always have to wipe all dust and lint off of. It worked but I am going to see if the cheaper ones do the job just as well.....

That's it for now, I'll probably be back with another in a few months though! 

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