Saturday, June 22, 2024

Raspberry Vinaigrette and Hot Chocolate

I've got another two recipes today....Gotta keep making new things! Keeps things spicy.... 

Vinaigrette is hard to spell but luckily it's easy to make. We are on recipe two for the salad dressings. So far I haven't had the best luck- but I think that's mainly because I have been using cheaper olive oil and it has a bitter taste to it. From now on I guess I'll be buying the higher quality oil. It makes a difference. Anyway...this is a raspberry dressing with not much raspberry flavor. The flavor that came through the most was the apple cider. It's OK. But I wouldn't make it again. I added black beans, walnuts, and avocado to jazz up the salad.

And next up, an easy recipe! Just some hot chocolate. This is from the Unofficial Harry Potter book and it's supposed to be Mrs. Weasley's recipe. It was OK. I haven't made a hot chocolate recipe that blew my mind so I don't think I would make it again. I did both the light and heavy version. Nice to sip on while watching a movie... I'm still skipping the candy recipes and there are quite a few to skip in Mrs. Weasley's chapter. I made homemade vanilla whipped cream to top it with. 

And that's all until the next post! I think I'm off to bake some cookie dough I have had sitting in the freezer and get a workout in...

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